Our Mission

Mission Statement

“To build up a church that is influential in the community, to equip Christ’s disciples, and to fulfil the Great Commission.”

Three big directions:

To build up a church that is influential in the community (Luke 19:41, Luke 4:18-19)

In the spirit of “Jesus in Temple Street”*, build up a local church, serve the weak, and win over the community.


To equip Christ’s disciples (Matt. 28:19)
In accordance with the biblical truth, edify, shepherd and build up the lives of the disciples.


To fulfil the Great Commission (Acts1:8)
Through sending out disciples, plant churches locally and abroad.


* The Story behind “Jesus in Temple Street”:

While on an evangelistic outing in Yaumatei in 1986, Rev. Lai Chun Moon saw the vices there and recalled Luke 19:41, “Now as He drew near [Jerusalem], He saw the city and wept over it”. Thus Fuk Lam Church was set up, and the congregation, acting on behalf of Christ, reach out to the poor in service, loving care and leading them to the Lord.